Tic tac toe my mother got rolled over
Tic tac toe my mother got rolled over

tic tac toe my mother got rolled over

In contradiction to most of the answers here, starting in the corner is hence not the best move, when using the number of games that can be played from an opening move as an indicator of what is "best".So I’m listening to the radio and hear an old, love song I remember belting out (like there was no tomorrow) as a little girl. This results in the center again being the best place to start. You can combine those results, say weighting winning with a factor of one hundred, drawing with a factor of 10 and losing with a factor of -1. If you want to avoid drawing or losing, then the center is best.

tic tac toe my mother got rolled over

If you consider the number of winning games that there are after opening, then an edge opening is best. If you disregard those games, then the best opening move becomes a question of how you define "best". Taking it a step further, about 90% of those games are "stupid" because they include moves where players either miss the chance to win immediately or they miss blocking the opponent who can win in their next move. According to such an analysis, opening in the centre is best, in this case. One way to answer this is to consider all 255,168 possible games of tic-tac-toe and record if they result in a win, draw or loss for the starting player and analysing where the first move was for each of those games.

tic tac toe my mother got rolled over

Interestingly, after they learn how to play against starting in the center, starting in the corner gives a great winning chances for a game or two because they will then try blocking in the corner as learned previously. So, probability of my win starts at about about 5/6 initially (1/2 * 1/3 they make the correct first two moves), though it fairly quickly drops to 2/3 where it remains longer. Probability they are putting o randomly in one of remaining corners is just 1/3. If they don't fail this test, then I am putting another x in the same line so their first o now blocks my line. Starting in the center: in the first few games (more with younger daughter), win chances are pretty good - half of the time they put their first o on the edge instead of the corner. (well, it was about 1/2 as they sometimes didn't see upcoming 3 in a line) Then, chance of their draw was about 2/3 theoretically - chance they put o somewhere on the side, forcing me to block and then we rapidly fill the whole board by eliminating the obvious 3 in a line options. Starting in the corner: everyone put o in the center. From experience of playing against kids that don't have the game solved (daughters, ages 5 and 7 at the time of play), starting in the corner gave about 1/3 chance to win and starting in the center gave about 5/6 for first few games and then 2/3.

Tic tac toe my mother got rolled over